Heysham Port to Morecambe
22 February 2018 Today sees the lads heading north west to the Coastal port at Heysham , this is a main ferry terminal taking passengers to the Isle of Man. Our journey there will be by train, a rather lengthy experience to say the least, however the time passes swiftly when in the company of these Lads. Today they number six which includeds the following, Eddie, Keith, Derek, John, Colin and Dave. Our arrangements are to board the train at Leeds Station round about 10:15 all apart from John who will join the train at Bingley. Once aboard this train it takes us several attempts to find suitable seating arrangements. This achieved we can now relax and enjoy the ride through this lovely part of the country, passing station after station on our way.At one of these stations, Carnforth , we are treated to the site of numerous relics of railway rolling stock etc. We eventually reached the port of Heysham about 12:45 , the weather at this point ...