Heysham Port to Morecambe

    22 February 2018

Today sees the lads heading north west to the Coastal port at Heysham , this is a main ferry terminal taking passengers to the Isle of Man.
Our journey there will be by train, a rather lengthy experience to say the least, however the time passes swiftly when in the company of these Lads. Today they number six which includeds the following, Eddie, Keith, Derek, John, Colin and Dave. Our arrangements are to board the train at Leeds Station round about 10:15 all apart from John who will join the train at Bingley.
Once aboard this train it takes us several attempts to find suitable seating arrangements.

This achieved we can now  relax and enjoy the ride through this lovely part of the country, passing station after station on our way.At one of these stations, Carnforth , we are treated to the site of numerous relics of railway rolling stock etc.

We eventually reached the port of Heysham about 12:45 , the weather at this point was quite sunny but feeling rather cold with a bitter easterly wind blowing, at least this would be at our backs for our walk along the shore line. We make moderate progress at first taking in the magnificent views across the bay, the walk takes us past the old church of St. Peter which also commands a glorious position overlooking this coast line , a few moments are spent here before we venture further on towards the distant resort of Morecambe some few miles away.

The walk as become rather pleasant now as the afternoon sunshine warms our faces and puts an extra skip into our stride. Soon we have reached the heart of the resort only to find that our suggested place of lunch was closed!. Rethinking the situation and with time of the essence we made a swift approach to the nearby Weatherspoons to have a hurried meal in this establishment, which was enjoyed by all. With what just seamed like moments to spare we then made a rather quick exit and headed for the railway station.

To much relief of some we had more than 10 minutes to wait before the train arrived to take us back towards Leeds. As this homeward journey unfolded it began to become apparent it was going to feel rather cold due to the lack of a suitable heating system. We endured the cold carriages until we were approaching  Skipton, moments earlier and with modern technology to hand we made the decision to jump trains at this station and board a much more upto date train that was pleasantly warmer that was also heading for Leeds
. Even though we would eventually arrive some 15 minutes later this did not cause us any more problems. A swift farewell to everyone has we made our own journey home. 
Yet another great day out with the Lads 
Cheers everyone.


  1. Another great day out with lots of fresh air. Thanks for the memories and photographs Dave.


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