Ribblehead and Settle.

          Ribblehead Walk.

           13 March 2018  

The Lads adventure today would take them northwest, aboard the train heading for Carlisle.
Only this time they would leave the train at Ribblehead , in order to explore the magnificent Viaduct 
that was constructed in this seemingly wild moorland.
Their journey would begin yet again at Leeds Railway Station, the train to Carlisle was due to leave at 8:49 aboard were  Colin, Keith, Malcolm and Dave , the fifth member John would be joining them at Bingley. The arrival time at Ribblehead was expected to be a few minutes after 10 am. So it was time to relax and enjoy the views of the Yorkshire countryside, although most of the time we saw nothing but flooded fields and farm land with the many snow capped hills far off in the distance.
Upon reaching Ribblehead we were greeted with somewhat of a rather cold and misty outlook, nevertheless we began our adventure.

As we left the station it soon became apparent that no serious team member was willing to lead this expedition, so we put the map and instructions into the capable hands of Keith. Twenty  minutes into our journey and our mistakes begin to unfold , the misty environment not helping things. A group meeting was called and a decision was made to alter our intended route , from this point we made our way across boggy moorland down towards a more substantial roadway.


By this time the mist was beginning to disperse, this enabled  us to establish where abouts we were on the map, totally confused we now decided to head towards the nearby farm buildings hopefully going in the reverse direction as to what was stated in our directions sheet. Time was beginning to be of concern, we would soon come to a point where a decision would have to be taken whether to about turn and returned the way we had come, or venture further and hope we were on the right path only in  reverse. Some 5 minutes later we soon established that the decision to carry on was the right course of action much to the relief of everyone, so much so we sat on a nearby bench and joked about our map reading expertise?

Sometime later we established the point of where it all went wrong!  We had made the mistake of taking the first tunnel crossing under the railway tracks assuming that this was correct, in fact we should have taken the next one which was just a few hundred yards further on. Lesson to be learned here Lads! make sure you read the instructions properly.

Our walk almost complete and with time to spare now ,we where able to look in ore at the magnificent  structure that stood before us, such a feat of engineering of a bygone era.

Time now to head back to Ribblehead Station and catch the train back towards the market town of Settle. This was only a short distance to travel, arriving there about 1:30  a brisk walk now taking us in the direction of the Talbot Arms to enjoy a well deserved lunch, this was a leisurely episode in our adventure today, the fact that our return train journey to Leeds etc, would be some 2 hours later.

Our meals consumed with much delight ,there was still enough time to take a short stroll around the town and a chance of a ice cream treet as we headed towards the station.
Once aboard our homeward train it was time to reflect upon our days adventure and laugh at our downfall, even so we all enjoyed our day together.
Great Stuff Lads.


  1. Great blog Dave. I’ll take the reins the next time we do this walk lads! I can remember the route like it was last Tuesday. Fabulous day out.


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