8th. November 2018 Dewsbury to Calder Island Today’s adventure was a welcome home gesture for Dave, he’s been Holidaying out in Spain. The lads let him take care of the arrangements for today’s outing . He decided upon a canal side walk which would take the Lads from Dewsbury to the outskirts of Wakefield at a location known as Calder Island, a distance of some 6 miles or so. The arrangements were for the Lads to all meet up at the railway station in Dewsbury around about 10:00 am. The group consistered of Colin, Malcolm, Eddie, John and Dave the other members having prior arrangements. Due to train problems, John had a rather lengthy delay to face, so modern technology stepped in and we were able to rearrange things, 11:07 was the new meeting up time. John apologising for his misfortune. Apology accepted we now began our journey a 20 minutes walk through the streets of Dewsbury to join the Calder...