Crich Tram Museum
25th. July 2019. Crich Tram Museum On what turned out to be a record breaking temperatures day all across the UK and Europe The lads have decided to take a train journey to North Derbyshire and visit the renowned venue of the Crich Tramway Village as it is now know. Here they will experience the thrills of both seeing a great collection of vintage trams and take a nostalgic ride on one of the dedicated trams operating on this particular day. To get there the lads will travel on the 9:08 train from Leeds to Nottingham, leaving the train at Alfreton and then taking a local bus operated by Littles to ferry them to the museum at Crich a journey of about twenty five minutes or so. Today’s group of lads will involve Colin Malcolm John Derek and Dave the other have different arrangements. As they arrive at Alfreton the time is approaching 10:35 and the local number 140 bus is due to leave a few minutes after 11:00....