Crich Tram Museum

25th. July 2019.             Crich Tram Museum 

On what turned out to be a record breaking temperatures day all across the UK and Europe 
The lads have decided to take a train journey to North Derbyshire and visit the renowned venue of the Crich Tramway Village as it is now know. Here they will experience the thrills of both seeing a great collection of vintage trams and take a nostalgic ride on one of the dedicated trams operating on this particular day.
To get there the lads will travel on the 9:08 train from Leeds to Nottingham, leaving the train at Alfreton and then taking a local bus operated by Littles to ferry them to the museum at Crich a journey of about twenty five minutes or so. Today’s group of lads will involve Colin Malcolm John Derek and Dave the other have different arrangements.

As they arrive at Alfreton the time is approaching 10:35 and the local number 140 bus is due to leave a few minutes after 11:00. 
The weather conditions at the moment are rather warm so some sort of shade was required at this point. Little did we realise things would get progressively worse as the day wore on.
The lads eventually arrived at the Tram Village some fifteen minutes before midday and soon found themselves aboard a relic from Blackpool Tram taking them on a short journey to the hub of things

Once at this location  the lads began to take a look around at the various things to delight their interests.
An impressive stone building housing the official side of the operations here at Crich also included in this building was a rather large information plan of the whole Tramway network in the UK. This included many locations that the lads were familiar with, ie, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Wakefield along with many others.

Now on to the next building this was the workshop area and on display were the various stages of the renovation of these relics from the past. Soon it was time for lunch and this was taken at Rita’s Tea Rooms a cafeteria type establishment , even so our meals were enjoyable. From here we continued our journey this time heading for the viewing sheds and what a delightful experience this was with almost sixty trams to feast our eyes upon, many from local operators others from overseas.

They included the last Tram to run in Sheffield and a couple that operated in the Leeds area and a few from Glasgow, such a delight to see. As the afternoon drifted on it was now time for a treat, this was enjoyed in the form of an ice cream followed by a much longer ride on an open top Tram .  On this journey we were able to see the full extent of the work that as been painstakingly  carried out here at Crich over the last few decades in order to entertain the many visitors to this establishment, a truly remarkable achievement.

Mid afternoon now and time to leave the Trams behind us and head for the bus stop in order to take the No.142 back to Alfreton. Once back here we had a rather lengthy wait for the train journey back to Leeds. The afternoon weather conditions were becoming rather unbearable and so was the journey back towards Leeds, a very crowded train carriage not helping the situation as beads of perspiration were running down everyone’s faces and the only relief being available as we entered a tunnel, not a pleasant ride to have experience ,bring on the much awaited new rolling stock.
Upon leaving the train it was now time to reflect on our great days adventure at Crich a really fantastic experience.


  1. Thanks Dave another truly remarkable day out at Crich and skill fully captured in written form with wonderful photos of the day. Who wouldn’t be impressed with this lovely location!


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