Stanley Ferry Walk

 4th August 2021.                    Stanley Ferry Walk 

Today’s adventure would take the lads to the local beauty spot of Stanley Ferry, a canal side location on the outskirts of Wakefield. The intrepid group will include Colin and Brian who have made their way there with a train and bus journey, Derek, Keith and Dave have come by car, all meeting up in the car park at the Hungry Horse outlet pub near the banks of the canal, the time was a few minutes after 11:00 .

Greetings over the lads now began their adventure with a canal side walk heading back in the direction of Wakefield passing many barges of different shapes and sizes that are moored here at this location.


Soon the Lads leave the waterside and head off into the woodlands close bye and journey on towards an interesting feature which uses the power of the water to generate electricity, the construction is named Kirkthorpe Hydro and has established a rather loud and thunderous weir on the river. Moving on from the viewing point the lads continue on the woodland pathway that eventually brings them back towards the canal.

Upto this point the weather conditions have been favourable but soon the sound of raindrops falling on the tree canopy can be heard, so on with our waterproof jackets, let’s hope it doesn’t turn torrential. Thunder and lightning is a possible outcome but the lads are lucky, it appears to be only a heavy shower at this time.

Now back at the canal it’s time to head back towards our starting point , but this time taking the opposite bank and heading for another point of interest, a water over water feature. Built many, many years ago this constructed aqueduct allows the canal to pass over the flowing river that runs below it, great feat of engineering to say the least. Also at this point are the workshops of the canal waterways that are still much in use. Within moments of passing bye these buildings heavy rain begins to fall , so it’s a hurried dash to the nearby pub and a lunch time meal. Our lunch’s ordered time now to reflect upon this adventure and await our meals, moments later these arrived and were very much enjoyed.


The rain kept falling for about an hour, so the lads took their time and talked about future outings and bygone adventures which brought about more than a few laughs , as the rain eased off it was time for the Lads  to leave the Hungry Horse pub here at Stanley Ferry and begin their journeys home.

Yet another great day out with only a short distance covered 

Cheers Lads 


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