Thursday 3rd. November.
Today saw us take a second visit to the Derwent Dams.
Our journey started with confusion about which train to catch, as the prearranged train had been cancelled. However we did eventually all meet up at Sheffield just in time to climb aboard the local bus that would take us into Derbyshire.
The bus dropped us at Fairholmes visitors centre which is located close to Ladybower and Derwent Dams. From here we split into two groups, three members decided to take a shortened route of about 5 miles,this was due to some injuries sustained the day before. The rest of use , four in total,took a more lengthy trek of 9 miles or so. Each group enjoying their adventure, some more than others we later found out ,when we all met up again at the Yorkshire Bridge Inn ,some 3-4 hours later.
Some members enjoyed a meal and drink , others had the misfortune to arrive at the pub too late to get a meal , so ended up with a pint and packet of crisps, nevertheless we all had a great time and enjoyed walking in the wonderful surrounding settings.
We left the pub just a few minutes before 4pm and now caught the bus for our return journey back to Sheffield, once at the Railway Station we took different trains back to our various home locations.

Today's Participants where:-    Malcolm. Eddie.Keith. Derek. John. Dave.and Colin.


  1. One of the participants left his spectacles on the 09:05 Leeds to Nottingham train when he disembarked and didn't realise until he got to Sheffield Interchange. Undeterred he carried on and on return to Sheffield asked if any spectacles had been handed in and after a quick look the supervisor said are these the ones and unbelievably they were, what luck. So the day ended on an even higher plane for the youngster!


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