Old Lads Poem

       A Poem by Dave
The years are marching on now
It's time to go out and play
I've said farewell to my regular job 
And put my tools away

I've taken  up the offer 
To join a group of lads 
Who like me are retired 
And now are called grandads

They meet upon a Thursday 
With things they've planned to do
They've said goodbye to the pinstriped suits
And their patent leather shoe

Now it's all aboard a bus or train 
And off to pastures new
As we take a look at the world outside 
And marvel at the view

The laughs the jokes the serious talks 
The sunshine and the rain 
All those miles we've travelled together 
On buses roads and train 

What sights we seen and places we've been 
As we journeyed along the way
Followed by a rest in our favourite pub 
To eat special meals of the day

A curry a steak or noodles
Followed by apple pie
Come on, are shouting some of the lads
It's time to say goodbye

So it's up we stand our coats in hand
As we walk towards the door
A quick look back sees a haversack
Johns left it on the floor

Quick pick it up, we've got to run
Our time is running out
Take a last look back at the place we've been
Remembering what we've done
For there's bound to be many more days out
That are filled with so much Fun


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