Lads trip to Knaresborough

9th. May 2017

Today the lads have decided to visit the north Yorkshire town of Knaresborough which stands on the river Nidd. Our journey there is by train from Leeds, we are taking the 10:29 from platform 3B a ride of some 45 minutes or so. On our arrival at the station in Knaresborough, We were met by Eddie , he had come by different means and was to be our guide for the day.
 From the station we now made our way up into the town centre , here we caught a glimpse of the statue of roadway engineer Blind Jack.

From here we now headed for the river and the leisurely walk along the valley pathway, we pass under the old stone archway bridge that spans the river at this point.

Our walk now takes us some few miles further along the river bank , experience the interesting facts about this particular place and the structures that have been cut into the rock face above us.

The wooded area also revealed some interesting carvings which have been done by a local man.

Our last point of interest to see before we left the river bank was St. Robert's Cave which dates back some 900 years. After a rather brief exploration of this place we now headed back towards the town this was done by means of the woodland pathway,this also gave us a point of interest, a item that seemed to be some kind of vintage electrical switchgear.

Once in the town centre we made for the Cross Keys pub to enjoy a well deserved lunch.
As the time approached 3:15 we now made our way back towards the railway station and our journey  back home.
All in all a most interesting experience we have had in Knaresborough today.
Cheers Lads.
This outing was attended by John, Colin, Malcolm, Eddie and Dave.


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