Horbury Bridge to Calder Island

 7th. October 2020.

Today with fine weather forecast, the lads have planned to take a canal side walk of about 3plus miles

They will start off at Horbury Bridge and follow the canal as it makes its way on towards Wakefield.

They will be a group of five which will include John Colin Brian Derek and Dave. They have planned to meet up at around 11:15 . Some making their way by a train and bus Journey , others by way of a car ride.

Just before 11:25 their adventure began has they trudged along the tow path, yesterday’s rain was evident in some places but not enough to cause much of a problem. Only a handful of other walkers were encountered on this very pleasant journey, just being outside in the fresh air was more than enough for the lads has they chatted about this and that, it was catch up time. Some interesting sites were observed has the lads walked along , one in particular was a group of swans swimming along like a flotilla of ships, so pleasant to admire. Further along the canal we encountered several narrow boats moored up nearby the Navigation Pub, one with a particular interesting name, Brace of Jacks!

About another mile to go now and the journey takes the lads underneath the M1 motorway and onto the open aspect of the Calder Basin , a river, canal and several lakes are now in view along with a couple of mainline railway tracks. Before not too long we had reached our intended destination, the Wetherby Whaler fish and chip restaurant situated at an area known as Calder Island just on the outskirts of the city of Wakefield. Excellent  Corvid rules were in place so a relaxed and safe situation was experienced while we enjoyed our meals, talks about future outings were suggested but not any commitments were made at this point. As the time approached 2:45 it was now time to say farewell for the time being and make our plans for return to our respective homes, for some of the lads this was fine, for the others it was a rather drawn out affair mainly caused by the lack of a good reliable bus service .

All in all it was Great Adventure with a couple of incidents along the way.

Looking forward to many more of these outings 

Cheers Lads.


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