Thackray Museum and Red Hot

      6th December 2018.            A City Break.

Today’s adventure would take the lads to the city of Leeds, a place they know only too well, that is for most of them. Some would see this visit as a step back in time so to speak! Back to the shop floor
and the daily routine of manufacturing surgical instruments. The reason for this is that today the lads are  embarking on a visit to the Thackray Museum, a company that some of the lads dedicated most of their working life’s  to. The Museum is situated in part of an old wing of St. James Hospital in Leeds.
The lads have arranged to all meet up in the city’s bus station at 11 o’clock, the group will include 
Eddie Keith John Colin Derek and Dave , they have also invited a couple of fellow employees 
John Howarth and Pete Hoyle. Once the group was assembled at the bus station it was now time to board a number 16 bus that would take the lads to the vicinity of the Thackray Museum just about a Ten minutes ride away

. Once inside the Museum John was able to negotiate a very good discount being a former employee of Chas Thackray.
So ,highly delighted , the lads now began to experience the fascinating exhibits that were on display here at the museum . Plenty of discussions taking place about the procedures during the manufacturing of certain items and the problems the lads had to faced during this process,

Dave was enthralled by all of this , he hadn’t had the pleasure of working at Thackrays. The lads were in their element has we progressed around this very informative venue, which gave members of the public an insight into to this particular branch of the medical profession.

Visit over it was now time to head back to the city centre, this was achieved by catching a No.42 bus
which almost delivered us to our intended destination on the Headrow here in Leeds , traffic problems causing us to take a uphill walk, a struggle for one member , a short rest and all was fine has we made our way to The Red Hot a continental buffet experience. This venue gave the lads a vast array of choices for the afternoon lunch, a totally different atmosphere, but value for money.

As 4:30 approached it was now time to say farewell to the City of Leeds as the lads embarked on their journeys home with memories of a joyful day.
Cheers Lads.


  1. Great day out with The Lads and a wonderful synopsis! Thanks Dave.


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