3 September 2020

Colin and Brian met up for the 10:26 to Skipton on a pleasant Thursday morning meeting up with John who boarded the train at Bingley arriving in Skipton at around 11:10

We left the station and made our way towards the town centre and crossing over the road we made our way to the turning near Busy Lizzie and onto the canal.

Brian wasn’t too sure this was the same route he had taken but after a few minutes we arrived at the point where he had joined the canal a week earlier. 

At this point the weather was intermittent swinging from bright sunshine to extremely overcast and at one point started spitting but it didn’t last very long. 

Nevertheless, it remained fairly dry and soon we were entering Skipton Castle Woods and after several minutes studying the map and the number of routes available we took john’s preferred route which saw us steadily climbing a large number of steps to an elevated position in the woods. 

The paths were generally good and the woods were very pleasant with the sound of running water constantly audible. 

Encountering a number of bridges and further climbs we wended our way through the trees stopping to admire a number of wicker models a waterfall and a dam. 

We eventually circumnavigated the woods until we had reached our starting point in the woods which was adjacent to the castle. 

On leaving the woods we were soon entering the top end of Skipton passing a couple of traditional pork pie shops which were duly noted. 

Crossing the main road we made our way to The Red Lion where we ordered a variety of meals which we all got stuck in to but Brian wasn’t too impressed with his menu which he felt was a bit greasy. 

We now left the pub to make our way to Fat Boys a recommended ice cream parlour but unable to find this venue we decided on the Lambretta ice cream parlour where John and Colin enjoyed a couple of cornets, Brian abstaining. 

John then recommended whilst we were next to the bus station it would be ideal to check out the buses to Malham for future. 

Turning about we now strolled leisurely back to the station for the 15:17 back to Leeds with John alighting at Bingley, Brian and Colin alighting at Leeds to catch there respective buses back to Morley and Beeston. 

Another lovely day out with the number of steps aggregating around 11,000 steps as we gradually build our strength after the COVID-19 Lockdown. 

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