Mirfield to Huddersfield

              Mirfield to Huddersfield waterside Walk.

    23rd November 2017.

   Nine days on from our Liverpool Trip and we find ourselves by the waterside again. This time we are to venture into the unknown! A walk from the small town of Mirfield to the much larger town of Huddersfield, both situated in West Yorkshire along side the river Calder. We are a group of five for today’s outing, Derek, Dave , Colin, John and Malcolm. The other lads have other commitments unfortunately. Whilst four of us traveled to Mirfield in mediocre style, John arrived by a much more classier train, ha ha. Grand Central. 
Our arrangements were to meet up a few minutes before 11 o’clock , study the information at hand then begin this new adventure. After some 10 minutes or so we eventually found the footpath that lead us to the riverside , this proved to be rather muddy at first, so it was a dodgy few hundred yards to start off with as we straddle the walkway, eventually we came to better footing as we left the riverside and now began to follow a canal stretch of water named Batteford Cut, at this point we came across a lonely fisherman with which we had a brief conversation. As we asked him about the length of time to make our journey, several assumptions were given ranging anything from 2 to 3 hours , this came as somewhat of a surprise thinking we would be covering about 4 to 5 miles.
Anyway we marched on to our next objective, this was at a point where the canal meets the river again and does a 3 way split. A brief moment taken to read our information sheet, then onward we go along side this fast flowing river , all due to heavy overnight rain in this area. Some 10 minutes later and our next change of  direction, we leave the river/canal bank and take the path towards the main
road, at this point we walk along side the road heading towards Huddersfield, this as taken us over the Canal, we now look for the beginnings of the Huddersfield Broad Canal which can be spotted just off to our left and indicated by a system of locks etc.

This negotiated we should now be on our way towards the town of Huddersfield which seems to be further away than we anticipated, the fisherman was right. With the wind in our faces and the prospects of rain looming we march on hoping our destination is not too far away, as the minutes pass and the yards are trudged we get the feeling the rain is going to beat us, inevitable this happens and we are
forced to make a difficult decision, so we leave the Canal pathway and are rescued by means of the 229 bus that takes us into town , much relief as the heavens opened up and down came the pouring rain. We would have been soaked, instead we headed for the Local Weatherspoons to enjoy their delights.

With our meals consumed and lots of chitchat and future plans discussed we now make the short walk to the railway station here in the town in order to take our various trains home.
Another great adventure, spoilt only by the rain, will return at a later date to complete this walk and get a true aspect of the distance we would have covered.
Cheers Lads.


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